Dr. A.S.Chatterjee
(Former lecturer CHMC Hospital, Kolkata.)
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I do not claim tall to attract patient that I cure CANCER.If any homeopath claims so I suspect his integrity.
In homeopathy cure takes place so long ‘Reversible Process’works.In cancer new tissues take the place of original tissues,as such ir-reversible process takes place.
In fact I have the privilege to treat cancer patients as last resort being torturerd physically, mentally and financially by allopaths.it is my experience that homeopathy may render better palliation to distressed.
I mention here few remedies to which i have practical experience.
Caltha P Q one or two drops in uterine cancer.It gives miraculous palliation immediately.
Euphorbia 6 is another remedy where burning pain is intense.
Medorrhinun 200 in case of cancer patient where fear of death is much.
Acconite Nap 200 is another remedy where fear of death is present with agony in mind.
Asterias R 6 in cancer of breast where axillary glands are knotted.
phytolacca 6 is a good remedy for breast cancer in lymphatic temperament.
Arsenic Alb 6 too weak, burning pain takes water little at a time
Beside above other remedies Kali Carb 6 (Dysphagia).
Kali Bich 6( Deep punctured ulcre,stringy discharge)
Condurungo Q (ulceration at corner of mouth)
Hydrastis 6(weak patient,gastic distress)
Ignatia 6(Rectal cancer)
Gelsemium 6(in anal cancer)
Ruta 6(cancer of lower bowel)
Carbo An 6(where glands are indurated)
Psorinum 30, Syphillinum 200(where night aggravation) have shown remarkable improvement in cases used according to symptoms.
Strictly speaking I consider the symptoms and modalities to select remedies.
In this mode of treatment patient’s suffering is much less and life is prolonged.
Few eye remedies to which I have unexpected results are listed below:
Physostigma 6 or 30-long use cures glaucoma of eyes. in myopia it is a handy remedy.
Conium 30 in progrsive loss of vision,injury ,working long in insufficient light over exertion may be the exciting causes.Patient is fond of salty food and milk causes acidity.
In any surgical interference of eyes Calendula cm removes post surgical complications in no time.
When there is clot in eyeball I have tried with Pituitary G 30 In some recent cases I have got expected result.
Symphytum is also good remedy for eye complications arising from injury.
Senega is useful in absorption of fragments of lense in operation.
muscular weakness of eyes.causing shaded vision.old people with respiratory complain suit the remedy in eye.
Silcea 30,Staphysagria 6x in cornea detachment used after operation.
Some other remedies come after strict individualisation.
Homeopathy medicines have wide field of application in Gynecology. Except in gross organic disorder and in mechanical defect surgery has no room in Gynecology so far homeopathy is concern. In the following discussion I detail the cases from my experience.
Any constituently disturbances arising from the history of natural abortion causing secondary infertility- LYCOPODIUM C.M.
Continual disturbances from induced abortion- SEPIA 1000 followed by HELONIS Q. Some times inter current CALENDULA 1000, 10,000, C.M. act highly.
Very haughty women remain calm for few days after intercourse is cured her secondary infertility by PLATINA C.M.
Primary infertility exploring all possible means for 10 years of marriage fails but has been successful with CAULOPHYLLUM 3x in no time with indication that lady suffer from leucorrhoea and arthritic pain in small join.
Primary infertility is cured by CONIUM 1000 with indication that fare flabby lady with scanty menses and acidity causing heartburn.
A woman suffering from sever abdominal pain is found on examination that cervix is ulcerated with redness; HYDROCOTIL AS. 200 have relived permanently.
Acidity with severs heartburn and leucorrhoea are cured by CONIUM.
Eroson cervix clotted painless bleeding with aversion to sweet and worse form bread and meat by CAUSTICUM 1M.
Uterine fibroid with hypertrophy is cured without myomectomy or hysterectomy by CALI IOD 6x.
Disposition to hemorrhage from uterus due to any cause is controlled by KALI IOD 200 or 1M.
Hypertrophy uterus with flatulent and acidity by CALANDULA 10M.
CAL. CARB CM cures infertility with early copious menses prolonged.
High blood pressure having history of profuse bleeding before menopause is effectively control by STRONTIA CARB.
Prolapsed uterus in anaemic and rheumatic patient may use CAL. PHOS 200x for sometime.
Leucorrhoea with anaemia and cold susceptible patient gets relive from CAL. PHOS.
Very much dark menses difficult to wash is MEDORRHINUM.
COCCULUS have menses scanty or even absence but leucorrhoea is profuse and predominating.
First menses delayed in lean thin subject with development body is below par- LYCOPODIUM.
KALI CARB has first delayed menses and chest symptoms are present.
LACHISIS at climacteric complains or after menopause respond in most of the cases.
MAG. MUR has leucorrhoea after excises even after passing urine, and stool.
MAG. CARB has some throat, nasal coryza before menses and menses are dark pitched scanty.
Scanty menses with constipation, itching before menses in GRAPHITES.
In ovarian tumor PSORINUM, COLOCYNTH repeated high potencies yield in many cases.
Blonde scrofulous constitution is acted by BROMIUM.
KREOSOTUM has cured young girl with prolong profuse flow. Flow intermits; sometimes on and others time off.
Flow of menses in gushes in LAC.CAN.
Lactogenic hormone is more than normal preventing conception is MERC. SOL., CYCLAMEN.
Infantile uterus PLUMBUM MET. is used.
AMENORRHOEA from severs indignation- STAPHISAGRIA.
In dyspareunia, granular vegetation in vagina – STAPHISAGRIA.
In prolapsed uterus enlargement of uterus growth with bearing down complain; FRAXINOUS AM Q.
Reduces the cancerous pain in uterus CALTHA P Q one or two drops act magically.
In order to prevent complication after childbirth CALANDULLA 1M or higher is very effectively.
Threatened abortion is prevented by KALI. CARB. If applied in time.
VINCA MINOR 6 is used with result to stop bleeding from uterus with fibroid. If fails KALI IOD 1M acts very effectively.
In a cancerous condition of uterus with thin offensive discharge is improved beyond expectation by NITRIC ACID.
Above all the totality of symptoms is the best guide to find correct remedy.
Fibroids and uterine tumors have proved surgery unless in the following remedies.
KAIL IOD 6x is found a master remedy for sub involution and fibroid in uterus.
KALI BROM. is another remedy when excessive fear, anxiety and nervousness are present. The abnormal discharge is the point to note.
Traumatic interference in uterus like DC or electro cautery leading to hardness of Cervix and cancerous growth is best treated by CONIUM.
Usual hardness of Cervix is by ALUMEN.
CALENDULA has hypertrophy of uterus with dragging in groin.
CALC CARB is another remedy of fatty women desire eggs excessively and aversion of meat.
CHIMAPHILLA UMB. has large breasts in both mammary and uterus tumors.
Tumor in uterus having left sided ovarian pain and chilly, perspiration is profuse THUJA.
The above remedies are verified repeatedly to convince not to deform by Surgery in growth of uterus.
Over all biochemical levels in body fluids give the picture of renal function. These are blood urea (normal 20/40mg.%), creatinine concentration, urine volume etc. From abnormal kidney either contracted or ischemic pattern excretion is reduced increasing sodium concentration and the concentration of other substances. Glomarular and tubular abnormalities are noted. The inter actions of these are generally reflected to the chemical composition of fluids and tissues. Temperature, heart rate blood pressure, water content, blood sugar etc are disturbed.
Selective absorption is impaired. Sodium and water retention lead to edema. Renal salt losses may occur due to failure of tubular reabsorption. Extreme sodium wasting lead to a picture of Addison Disease. Nausea, vomiting, polyuria, rising blood urea are the symptom due to impaired Glomarular infiltration. In chronic renal failure urine become very acidic i.e. PH falls to low level. In the reduction of Glomarualar infiltration potassium retention occurs. Anuria is the manifestation. In the failure of tubular reabsorption potassium depletion occurs. Muscle weakness is prominent symptom. Disturbances in calcium level of body forms osteodystrothy. Serum magnesia levels are increased with uraemia. Due to these excretory failures various system of body is affected. Gastro intestinal symptoms, cardio vascular disorder with hypertension, anemia, and fluid retention are noted. Neuron muscular complains like weakness of mussels, twitching of muscles, tremors; muscles cramps etc are noticed. Skin changes like pruritus, skin rashes, urea frosts in sweat, lax skin etc occur. Reparatory manifestation as uraemic lung is noted.
In Homeopathy causes and constitution in back ground of kidney failure are studied. The following remedies with indications are frequently used: –
Kidney contracted and H.B.P.- PLUMBUM MET. 6, 30, 200.
In some hopeless cases dramatic results are noted with KOCH’S LYMPH 200 or 1000 followed by TEREBINTH 6 th .
Renal failure with liver, heart or spleen involvement; ADONIS V. Q.
H.B.P. with kidney failure in women presenting menorrhagia or metrorrhagia; JUNIPURS V. Q
Anurea or oliguria in kidney failure; LIATRIS Q. in 1 to 4 drums doses acts miraculously.
Desperate cases of kidney failure with high creatanine and high urea; VANADIUM 6 th .
Oedema of leg; VIPERA.
Extensive oedema, swelling of face; APIS MEL.
Urea 6 th 12 th is one of the best medicines of kidney failure.
Eel serum; hypertension and albumin+ + +
Uterine disorder in renal failure- VISC. ALB. 6 th .
Creatanine high and hemoglobin low- HYDRASTIS C.
ICTHYOLUM 6x has been used in success in case of renal failure with symptom of hay fever, cold susceptibility, uric acid diathesis, tuberculosis, alcoholism etc.
ZINGIBAR cured a comatose patient with gross kidney failure having history of Typhoid.
DYSENTRY CO., MERC SOL., EMETIN have given expected result in kidney failure according to symptoms having history of amobiasis.
NAT MUR . 6 th acts encouragingly when it is selected based on desire of salt having history of malaria.
Similarly a patient of CAL.CARB is cured in kidney failure with CAL. CARB 30 th .
LECTHIN 3x is given to correct nutritional defect, to increases RBC and to eliminate phosphaturia, albuminuria. In diabetic condition its act well.
In this time people scare with AIDS but it is not a new concept in Homeopathy. Chronic diseases in homeopathy state that fundamental causes of disease are psora, syphilis, and sycosis. The three may exist in a system singly, in combinations of two or three. When the miasma (Fundamental causes) is in combination it becomes difficult to cure.
So far sycosis and syphilis are concerned the wife gets the miasms in the stage that husband suffers and vise versa. If it is a fact in case of sexual contact to single individual, the reality of sexual contact with many is easily imaginable. This is AIDS though in homeopathy AIDS term is not used.
The sexually transmitted disease complicating with more then one miasms is very very difficult to cure.
A middle-aged person reports me that he is suffering from breathlessness from slight exertion, Pain in left chest radiating to left hand with anguish feeling. He has consulted several cardiologists who suggest angiogram and by-pass surgery. But his fund does not permit to undergo such expensive treatment. I prescribe him Kali mur 200 followed by Kali phos 200x and Silicea 200. After a month of treatment he has returned to his normal life. I have told him that his want of money has saved him from being a guineapig. The gentleman agrees.
CRATAGEOUS OX is a solvent to crustaceous and Calcareous deposits in arteries. A remedy for Arteriosclerosis to be continued long.
GRINDELIAR R involves Pulmonary Circulation. It has action to Vagus n. As a result gastric and respiration complain arise. Stops breathing when falling asleep.
COCA is a grand remedy in palpitation with great weakness.
STROPHANTHUS is met in heart attack with high triglycerides having addiction to smoking.
CONVALARIA is also used in tobacco heart where heartbeats stop and then become regular.
DIGITALIS in intermittent pulse unexplained uneasiness of body without apparent pathology.
KALMIALAT is a remedy to affect vulvas of heart with a history of rheumatism. A case of mitral stenosis having passed history of rheumatism has undergone Vulvotomy. But time-to-time without rhymes or reason he suffers from severe dyspnoea with locking of left hand and pain in chest despite using allopathic doses and he has to be hospitalized. With kalmia 6x in regular doses fits him to regular life for last two years without discomfort.
Aurum met – In thumping of heart. Depression of mind is the key point. In HBP having ruddy appearances with scrofulous hypertrophy heart involving liver kidney. In young girl with hypertrophy heart gives good result.
ACID PHOS – Diabetic condition having too much mental strain.
PHOSPHORUS – Patient cannot lie on left side.
SPIGELIA – Patient has to lie head high. Severe precordial pain even moving hands.
SPONGIA – cannot lie with head low. Rises from sleep with suffocation, Pain in heart and palpitation.
LYCOPUS V – In mitral regurgitation.
Kali Iod, Eucalyptus are used in aneurism of aorta.
SEPIA – Heart gives intermittent large sounds. Sepia is a remedy in case of uterine reflex to heart after DC operation, abortion, Hysterectomy, Prolapse uterus. It also suits to heart complains having addiction to drinking and sexual excess.
Kalichlo – When clots or plug form in blood.
ARS. IOD – Senile heart arteriosclerosis, profuse expectoration on coughing.
STRYCHNIN OR NUX VOM – In spasms of heart.
MEDORRHINUM – When heart’s pain refered to epigastrium.
SPANGUNARIA – In heart complains dryness of larynx.
Tubercular elements or toxins affect heart. High blood pressure supervened CALC .FL benefits. in post by-pass Surgery of heart to remove adhesion and to minimize traumatic effect of vascular system Calc Fl. is a great remedy. Along with Calendula and Kali Phos are used as inter current.
A person having tubercular affection in past is much susceptible to cold has developed vulvular disease. Angina pains with fear of death, long regurgating sound of heart is greatly relieved by Naja.
A young girl of 15 with great distress in heart, palpitation deep breathing with enlargement of heart having offensive breath is greatly improved by Aurum met. IGNATIA & NAT.MUR. have palpitation of and on without cause. Like window open.
A woman of 55 has right sided paralysis is greatly improved by Crotalus H 30. She has old history of prolonged uterine hemorrhage and black stool. She has palpitation and enlargement of right ventricle. Lachesis is another remedy for heart. She has same palpitation worse in the morning or after sleep cannot bear anything covering. She has previous record of prolonged diarrhoea. At present she has no such complains.
Era of cowpox vaccine is over. It is now the phase of polio, various kinds of vaccines and immunization. It is the fact that cowpox vaccine has eradicated hydra headed monster smallpox but has imported eczema, insanity, debility, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, cancer and many undiagnosed diseases. A rational scanner as healing agent must look the positive and negative aspects. Polio vaccine and various immunization have complicated the system manifesting susceptible to cold, frequent attack of temperature, dyspnoea, bronchitis, asthma, nasal block, loss of appetites, insomnia, abnormal growth, diarrhoea, constipation, various skin complains including leucoderma, mental irritation, restlessness, irrational behavior and many idiopathic symptoms. These are further complicated by antibiotics and steroid. A permanent progressive miasma (poison) is rooted which on fertile soil progress vigorously bringing havoc to life. Ignorance is the root of evil and the greedy myopic doctors do not let loose the chance to exploit
Whenever any pediatrics case comes to me, I generally use THUJA followed by BACILLINUM or TUBERCULINUM as a routine prescription to antidote the ill effects of immunization. Subsequent remedies follow according to symptoms. Respiratory complains with rattling chest is ANTIM ARS. If there is running nose followed by respiratory complains the remedies are ARALIA R, NAJA, NUX VOM, LYCOPOIDUM.
When temperature shoots up very high as soon as attack comes BELLODONA and FERRUM PHOS 200X help much. A child comes to me suffering from prolonged temperature. Both Allopathic and Homeopathic treatment fail. The child has the symptom that he takes water profusely and frequently with dry mouth. BARYTA Carb has relieved him immediately as the dose applied. Such cases come time to time when use BARYTA Carb and find amazing relief. I bow my head to great Herring. Without whom children happen to come to me would have to put to much harassment in the hands of greedy myopic doctors. A baby has come to me with non-stop profuse diarrhoea. The child specialist advises admission to his nursing home to be treated for dehydration is fully cured by few does of PODOPHYLLUM.
A child is suffering from fever Routine antipyrexia gives temporary relief. A night it has become so worse that no antipyrexia acts. It is nightmare Ice bag; cold water in head could somehow manage the night. Early morning a child specialist is contacted. He refuses to attend on the plea not to disturb his sleep noting child is restless and agonizing much with physical complains. ACCONITE Nap cures the child with single does only. Homeopathy takes time to cure is erroneous idea.
SULPHUR is used in fever when takes water but refuses all kinds of food.
An infant of 27 days is declared as top emergency patient by a top city hospital. He has vomiting soon after taking. Even intravenous dips excite vomiting. He has green stool. Child specialists of the hospital in board have given up hope of life. The doctors are mostly postgraduate teachers.
The cooperation of the House physician helps to administer PHOSPHORUS, which cures him. After a week checking thoroughly he is discharged from hospital certifying OK. Postgraduate students are erroneously informed by the teacher who takes credit of treatment. Alas Homeopathy!
After effect of polio, vaccine with forced feeding brings total loss of appetite. Management to avoid forced feeding and few remedies like CALC. Ars, LYCOPODIUM, CHELIDONIUM, SEPIA, PULSATULLA, SANICULA etc set right patient shortly.
Many cases are faced with skin complains. MEZEREUM, SULPHUR , PSORINUM, LYCOPODIUM, CALC. Carb, SEPIA, ACID Nit, NAT. Mur etc are few remedies often come. I have a child with leucoderma is cured by THUJA. A child with a growth involving CBD is cure by SULPHUR having history that his skins complain is suppressed with ointment prescribed by skin specialist. Skin complains after SULPHUR appears as the growth disappears. It is my advice to the attendants that I cure antidoting the ill effects of vaccine polio but again they will have to see me with it complains after revaccinate and repolio.
Effect of alcohol produces syphilitic like mane festation. Addiction to alcohol of parents and fore parents torture their generation. I have number of cases of handicapped children having history of addiction of alcohol of father or forefather.
SYPHILLINUM in such cases response to treatment. Mentally retarded, late learning to walk or talk, absence of parts of body, deformed babies and others abnormalities are noted with genetic disorder in Chromosome. PSORINUM, MEDORRHINUM, SYPHILLINUM, THUJA, SULPHER, MERC. Sol, SILICIA come according to symptoms.
Mentally retarded child having tonsillitis is treated by PSORINUM followed by BARYTA Carb. In case such child is traced, gonorrhora in family is treated by MEDORRHINUM.
Some of the babies are formed to be much irritable beyond control is treated by CHAMMOMILLA. If the irritation from worm CINA is a remedy. A mild type baby is tackled by PULSATILLA. While a baby is irritable only when rise from sleep is given LYCOPODIUM. A cruel baby is treated by ABROTANUM.
After birth, some babies are found some abnormal symptoms e.g. immediately after birth the baby is found to sneeze when SYPHILLINUM sets right; someone has infantile diarrhora is cured by SYPHILLINUM, few one has ophthalmic problem is cured by MEDORRHINUM, someone has developed skin trouble is cured by SULPHUR, someone MEZEREUM and so on. It is found that some baby has infantile hernia. It is mostly cured by THUJA in case of left side. BACILLINUM, LYCOPODIUM are also used according to conditions. Some baby is born with undescended testis. AURUM Met, THYRODINUM are the remedies. There is baby with lachrymal fistula is cured by few remedies like CALC. Carb, SILICEA, THYRODINUM, CAUSTICUM, SYPHILLINUM, KALI Bich. However, it takes time to cure. Surgical interference can be avoided.
Though the above conditions are general, every case comes with its own merit, which a true homeopath judges according to Hahnemann’s instructions and select true remedies.
Phatak Repertory has mentioned one medicine for Cervical Spondylosis i.e. Acid Phos. It is quoted from Hering’s guiding symptoms. Acid Phos may be noted in any complains acidity few hours after eating.
In my experience based on mostly guiding symptoms following medicines with indication are incorporated:
CAMPHORA Cervical Spondylosis > from pressing hard there on.
HYDROCOTYL AS Pain in Cervical region with occipital pain < touch and pressure.
KALI BICH Cervical Spondylosis < bending head forward.
PSORINUM Bending head back <
HYPERICUM Bending head back >
BADIAGA Cervical Spondylosis severe pain. Neck very stiff < bending head forward or backward. Glandular swelling < cold > heat.
PARISQUAD Violent pain in one or both sides of neck < motion, exertion > rest. Occiput, eye, stomach, symptoms may be involved with pain.
OREODAPHANE Cervico – occipital pain. Intermittent use with Paris Quad helps much.
CHINA Shooting pain. Constriction pain in left neck to occiput.
NUX VOM Cervical Spondylosis. Severe pain. Neck very stiff < morning, touch, after eating. Head turns to one side, difficult to move.
CHIN. SULPH Cervical and dorsal Vertebrae sensitive to touch.
SILICEA Stiffness of neck of one side. Cannot turn head because of pain. Pain in head sometime is very severe.
B. A case of a Youngman of 20 years age admitted to a top grade Nursing Home with severe pain in right nape of neck but of no avail by group of Doctors. A homeopath prescribed Tub. Bov. to give relief for few days. Silicea 1M through a phone contact.
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